5 Steps to Writing a Children’s Bestseller

Congratulations on taking the first step on your writing journey with the Golden Egg Academy!

The 5 Steps to Writing a Children’s Bestseller contains knowledge from our years of working in the children’s publishing industry and from our time working with new writers, many of whom have become agented and published.

In this guide you will learn how to: 

  • Choose a universal theme
  • Develop your plot
  • Create powerful characters
  • Dramatise your storytelling
  • Craft your story setting

To receive your free booklet, click ‘download now’, enter your email address and head to your inbox.

free writing guide

Some Fiction Authors We’ve Worked With

Since starting the Golden Egg Academy at her kitchen table in 2014, award-winning Editor Imogen Cooper and her team of well-connected and highly experienced editors have helped over 90 writers to get agents and publishing contracts.

“Without the insightful courses I took at the Golden Egg Academy, I wouldn’t have found my true author’s voice. every children’s author who wants to be published should do a Golden Egg Academy course!”

– Anthony Burt, author of the Animal Lighthouse

Some Picture Book Authors We’ve Worked With

Since starting the Golden Egg Academy at her kitchen table in 2014, award-winning Editor Imogen Cooper and her team of well-connected and highly experienced editors have helped over 90 writers to get agents and publishing contracts.

What the Golden Egg Academy offers authors needs no gilding or embellishment – it’s very simple: if you’re serious about your writing and your writing career, then sign up

– Robin Bennet, author of Monster Max 

Agents and Publishers We Work With

Chicken House Books

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