Wolves in Helicopters

Wolves in Helicopters

Wolves in Helicopters

Published in 2022

  • Published by Andersen Press
  • Agented by The Catchpole Agency
  • Illustrated by Paddy Donnelly

Can Hop find a way to escape the wolves in her nightmares, even if they chase her in helicopters? Mummy thinks so…
Every night, Hop has nightmares filled with, scary, hungry-eyed wolves. She knows they only exist in her dreams but they still seem very real. Her mummy comforts her and has some good advice, but can Hop find the courage to conquer the wolves?

Sarah Tagholm

Sarah Tagholm has a very unusual head. If she doesn’t do creative things it falls off, so it’s really incredibly fortunate she never had a job in data entry. Mischievous children, nature, and all things bizarre are the inspiration behind her stories, which tend to be odd, ridiculous or, more often than not, both. Sarah lives in Cornwall with her family, two cats and a fourteen-year-old albino toad called Cuckoo (in real life). If not reading or writing, she can usually be found in, or on or under the sea.

But Wolves in Helicopters Sarah Tagholm

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