Rebel with a Cupcake

Rebel with a Cupcake

Rebel with a Cupcake

Published in 2018

• Kids Can Press (USA)
• Firefly Press (UK)
• Anne Clark, Anne Clark Literary Agency

Mainwaring has an ear for dialogue and a terrific sense of humor that shines through every page while lending the unique characters a great deal of dignity.

Anna Mainwaring

Anna studied English Literature, which led to a career in banking. She left to travel and then to train as a teacher. Anna took part in NaNoWriMo in 2012, and after endless drafts, Rebel with a Cupcake was born. When not writing, Anna can be found walking up hills or in cafés. She lives in Cheshire, England, with her family, including a murderous gold fish called Moriarty.

Rebel with a Cupcake

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