18 Feb Monster Max and the Bobble Hat of Forgetting
Monster Max and the Bobble Hat of Forgetting
Published in 2021
• Firefly Press
• Agented by Jo Moult, Skylark Literary Agency
• Illustrated by Tom Tinn-Disbury
This is Max. Everything normal here. Nothing weird about Max … until he burps.
When Max burps he becomes a huge monster, with teeth like swords, who can jump over buildings, roar and eat whole dustbins. It’s great being a monster and saving people, his aim ‘to protect and do good stuff’, unless he sneezes when he didn’t mean to, changes back, and finds himself far from home in just his pants.
But something starts causing a lot of damage in their quiet suburb, and it isn’t Max. His nemesis, Peregrine, a boy his age, is relentlessly on the trail of this monster, and has invented his POOP (Portable Operating Omni Prison) machine to trap it. Max has to catch the real culprit, before Peregrine can catch him…
An irresistible mix of slapstick comedy and action adventure, packed full of chases, inventions, battles and bum jokes. First in a series for 7-9s.
‘Bonkers from start to finish. And I mean that in a GOOD way’ – Philip Ardagh

Robin Bennett
Aged 21 Robin was all set to become a cavalry officer; aged 21 and a half, he found himself working as an assistant gravedigger in south London wondering where it all went wrong. Robin has gone on to start and run over a dozen successful businesses from dog- sitting to cigars, tuition to translation. The list is quite exhausting. Robin is married with three young children. He spends his time between Pau in the Pyrenées and Henley-on- Thames.