Find the Spy

Find the Spy

Find the Spy

Published in 2020

• Penguin Random House
• Alice Williams, Alice Williams Literary
• Illustrated by Shelly Laslo
• Three-book illustrated non-fiction series signed with Flying Eye Books

Psst! Calling all super-cunning spies. Yes, I mean you. Can you find the REAL-LIFE spies hidden throughout this book?

Uncover the true stories of eight fascinating spies: one who crawled across the rooftops of Paris, one who hid secrets in her wooden leg, and there’s even a grandma-next-door who wasn’t quite what she seemed…

Zoë Armstrong

Zoë trained as a journalist and has worked in public relations within the charitable sector and in education. She now writes picture books and children’s non-fiction, and works as a freelance writer in Brighton where she lives with her young daughter.

Find the Spy

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