12 Oct Enchant Your Audience
Learn how to present your work with confidence
Join award-winning writer, actor, and experienced presenter, Andrew Weale, and Voice and Communication Coach, Kate Montague for our Enchant Your Audience: Presenting Your Work with Confidence workshop on 22nd October.
They will introduce you to a range of techniques to develop confidence, a good speaking and reading voice and help you convey your story effectively to audiences. Mastering these skills and gaining confidence in your own voice and story will help you talk to other authors, agents and publishers too! A must for every budding author.
Enchant Your Audience
“To be a children’s author at a school event you need to unleash your inner entertainer – no matter how deeply buried they might be. Even if you’ve done this type of thing before nothing prepares you for being stood alone talking about YOUR book. It’s a thrilling, exciting and slightly exposing situation to be in but by brushing up on your skills and preparing well what could potentially be a nerve-wracking experience can be turned into something to enjoy. There truly is no better experience than to be interacting with your readers and potential readers. Capturing their attention and imagination in real life is as much a skill as doing it on the page!”
James Nicol is author of The Apprentice Witch www.jamesnicolbooks.com
This workshop is suitable for both picture book and fiction members.
For further details click here or for Open Nest tickets click here.